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Linked Institutions:
Dr. Ofir Menashe, Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee.
Prof. Hassan Azaizeh, Tel-Hai College, The Galilee Society.
Prof. Dror Avisar, Tel Aviv University.
Prof. Hadas Mamane Steindel, Tel Aviv University.
Prof. Robert Armon, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
Dr. Lilach Iasur Kruh, ORT Braude College.
Prof. Nativ Dudai, Volcani Center.
Dr. David Ezra, Volcani Center.
Prof. Yoram Gerchman, University of Haifa.
Dr. Livnat Afriat-Jurnou, MIGAL - Galilee Research institute.
Linked Industries:
BioCastle - Water Technologies, Israel.
- Atlantium - Illuminating water technologies.
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